Its all in Attitude

I have always believed that Attitude does matter. A bad attitude is like a bad fish in a pond which dirt the whole lake and other fishes as well. A bad attitude not only make your heart dirty but also makes your soul lifeless, your mind useless and your eyes colorless which furthermore leaves you in isolation for rest of your life.

its_attitudeToday, I am pasting 10 Attitude Quotes from greatest leaders. Just do not read them, Inhale them and change your life.

1. “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.”


2. “Nothing on Earth can help the man with the Wrong mental attitude.”


3. “Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.”


4. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”


5. ” A bad attitude is like a flat tire you can’t go anywhere until you change it.”

bad attitude

6. “A positive attitude is contagious. Don’t wait to catch it, be a carrier!”


7. “Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.”


8. “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.”


9. “The only difference between a good and a bad day is your attitude.”

your attitude

10. “Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us.”


Expectation thrills, but ills

Today, I am 31 years old with very small career and professional life and three decades of personal life, I can proudly say that I have learned and still learning a lot. Most of the learning lessons came in the last five years of span. I feel lucky.

When we talk about lessons of life, we cannot exclude ‘Expectations’. Because the word Expect directly jabs at our heart, mind and soul.

Expectations play a major role in building ourselves if taken on a positive note. It makes us internally stronger.

michael jordanJust imagine, you are sitting with smiling face in an air-conditioned auditorium listening to an inspiring speech from one of the greatest inspirations on this planet. As time passes by, his euphonious speech webs around your heart, soothes you and make your soul inspired. You are enjoying every bit of seconds. You are expecting more inspiring and heartwarming words which is going to change your life forever.

Suddenly, from nowhere, another person takes the microphone and starts criticising heavily. Starts throwing tantrums and harsh words. Unexpectedly words musical to your ears converted into poignant.

Thorns took shape of roses. Negativity takes place of positivity in a trice. It’s like someone splashed the water on your face while you were indulged in beautiful dreams.

Expectations are like slow sweet poison which gives an instant reaction.

It’s like slowly you build a castle of trust and once it’s built suddenly your loved one ran over and thrashed it. Perplexedly your jaws dropped and leave you dumbfounded.

expectationsI do not say that we should never expect from our loved ones. Obviously we must, but just to be on safer side, it has to be in limit so even if your expectations thrashed, it shouldn’t hurt you.

The less you expect, lesser you get hurt. I know just reading it seems simple but let me tell you my dear friend, in real life it is not as simple as it seems.

It needs patience. A strong heart. A true synchronisation between Heart, Mind and importantly Eyes.

You must be guessing why eyes? Well, when you got hurt in your past, dint you cry or haven’t those moments reflected in your eyes?

Yes it hurts but if we think this from a positive angle then these saddened moments makes us strong and teach us.

It teaches us how to react in such overwrought situations. It teaches us how to handle our state of mind. It teaches us how not to get carried away from these emotional outbursts.

Yes these moments teach us a lot the way it taught me. And today proudly I can say, ‘I am much stronger.’

Never expect or expect least from your friends, loved ones and colleagues. Do for them, help them and be a helping hand in their lives but don’t expect anything in return. Do for them and forget.


low expectationYou will be the happiest person on this earth.

Keep Smiling and Expect Less. 🙂

I am Colour-blind. Are you?

Sometimes I feel that my eyes aren’t working properly. I feel something suspicious with my eye’s retina.

Am I color-blind?

Color of happinessLet’s see.

Today’s life has become fast and in this fast life, we actually have forgotten most of the things.

We have forgotten our Family.

We have forgotten our Smile.

We have forgotten our Friends.

My dear friends, we have forgotten our life.

We have lost ourselves in the fast running crowd, a denser crowd. Where ever my eyes scan, I just see people running after everything. A big crowd running after one goal.

We are running after Money.

We are running after our Career.

We are running after Happiness. (Literally many of my friends have actually confessed me.)

We are running after our personal goals and to achieve them we can go to any extent.

Result – Stampede!!

We have actually become selfish and day by day we are becoming more egocentric. Unfortunately, we achieve none of them. It’s like running after a butterfly. The more you try to catch her, farther it goes.

When we couldn’t achieve any of our dreams, frustration starts building. We become intolerant, skeptical and seem suspicious. Our mood becomes irritating. We can’t see other’s happiness. It’s a human tendency.

We are living in the life of grievances. We are surrounded by negative vibrations and negative people.

Fortunately, we can change this.

Yes we can change everything. We can crush the negativity.

We can change this irritating atmosphere. We can change our nearby surroundings. We can literally convert this resentment into affection, happiness and love.


Smile a lot. Start your conversation with simple and genuine praise and compliments. Always talk from your heart. Be an epicenter of love. Carry positive vibrations along with you. Make people laugh.

Always be polite. Don’t get excited to something as they are temporary.

“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty


seconds of peace of mind.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your laugh should be so energetic that it can kill the negative vibrations across your surroundings.

“Smile is a Contagious. The more you widen your lips, the more you soften others hearts.”

I always see happiness everywhere. My eyes stuck at smiling faces and those who aren’t smiling, start smiling because of my positive vibrations.

“Sometimes I feel that am color-blind as I just see colors of happiness as I can’t see grievances anymore.”

Let your eyes be color blind. They are beautiful part of your body and they are there to see colorful world, a smiling world. Not the grievances.

Keep Smiling… 🙂



Clear the Ego and see the World

Would you prefer to experience a dusty storm or a foggy dawn?

The answer is simple. No one would choose a dusty storm, so how can we surround ourselves with egotistical people. The ego and its impact are as large as a nuclear explosion. It explodes internally and vandalizes our soul and smashes our heart.

clear the ego

Egotistical people have trouble in their careers and personal lives. They are close minded and their careers can often be compared to a parabola, it crumbles after a short period.

Here are a few of the most noticeable features of egotistical people:

  • They are jealous of other people’s success.
  • They can’t stand to see other people happy.
  • They are consumed with their own success and will go to great lengths to achieve it.
  • They take joy in harming or destroying the professional lives of others.
  • They are not team players.
  • They lack leadership skills.
  • They always try to show their superiority.
  • They always portray themselves as smarter than others.
  • They are selfish.
  • They only care for themselves.

Ego is like a cancer and pain will surely come from it.  Always avoid these people as their negativity can actually make you mentally unconscious. They will suck all your energy and make you feel dumb.

The ego is a fascinating monster.

Alanis Morissette

Humans are meant to change the world and we must change our society by spreading love and happiness rather than being egotistical and spreading hatred.

“The more you give, the more you get.”

So always have foresight and help others without being selfish.  Uproot your ego from your heart and soul and be a helping hand to society.

If society is beautiful then so you are.



Edited and forwarded by Mr. Jeff Botch