What’s your New Years Resolution?

I asked my friend, Kruti Kapadia, “What is your new year’s resolution?”  Her eyes popped out and her eye balls started revolving like earth revolving around its own axis.  She looked at me, thought for a while and before she could utter anything, I asked her a second question, “Do you have any resolutions for 2013?”

New_Year's_ResolutionsShe responded enthusiastically, “Yes, I do! I want to be happy and I want to do whatever is necessary for my family, society and myself to have ample satisfaction and happiness.”

She paused for a while and then her lips dropped into sadness and continued, “Aviral, for the last 3 years I have been making the same resolution and it always fades away”.

I asked the same question to my brother, Darpan Kulshreshtha from New Delhi.  Without a second thought he replied quickly, “Happiness is my resolution.”

I’ll bet that if you ask anyone about their New Year’s resolution, you will hear the same replies as above along with other desires and needs.

ResolutionsWe are humans and materialistic things make us happy. On the other hand, we always pretend to be happy but unfortunately through our entire life we simply keep on pretending and never actually make it a priority.

Now, the question isn’t what makes us happy or what we should do to be happy. The question is how do we achieve happiness?

“Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you run after it the farther it goes away from you.”

Happiness is not a materialistic body which you can buy from a store. It is like knowledge, the more you give the more you get.I have coined it Internal Satisfaction. Make giving our habit rather than expecting surprises from our loved ones or family.

happiness is my resolutionLet me ask you a few questions….

  • When was the last time you gave astounding surprise to your loved ones?
  • When have you made them laugh when they were sad, alone or needed your support?
  • When did you last motivate your friends?
  • When did you last praise your colleagues and subordinates?

If your answer is positive for the above questions then my dear friend you are one of the happiest people in the world.  You have achieved tremendous respect and love from society.

Happiness is all about giving and not expecting in return like a squirrel that always searches for ground nuts and hides them beneath the earth and forgets.We call it the joy of giving.

Whether your resolution is to grow in your career, grow in your love life or any other lovely thing which soothes our heart, we must always accept it with a smile and happiness.  To achieve our goals we must not violate anyone else’s feelings. It has to be achieved without ego and hatred. We have to be unselfish.

“Happiness can never be achieved by making someone unhappy.”

In this beautiful world we have materialistic goals which without any doubt should be achieved lovingly and making society happy and also making those around us smile.

“Wrap your goals with happiness.”

So let’s together make one resolution for this next gorgeous year – 2013.

“We will lend our hands to those who need us, make them smile and spread essence of positivity. Next year is going to be ours and we together will make a difference and make our world more beautiful and stress free.”

Keep Smiling…. 🙂



Edited and forwarded by Mr. Jeff Botch

Smile has Greatest Wavelength


A Smiling face reflects Happiness, Energy, and Purity of a person. It not only refreshes the people across the one Smiling, but also exhilarates the atmosphere.

The wavelength of Smile is highest just like color Red. It can be seen from miles.

The impact of Smile is deepest like a Nuclear Bomb, it is extensive.

A beautiful Smile penetrates inside the veins of other person, travels across the nervous system and directly hits the brain which gets stimulated and renovates the mood. Rejuvenate the entire system. Enlightens the face.

One day I wasn’t feeling good so had to visit doctor. I took a prior appointment and reached at scheduled time. Receptionist looked me with her frown eyes like I have just murdered someone and trying to escape from prison.

I greeted her with a Smile.

She looked at me with her eyes angling by 45 degrees and suspiciously replied pointing towards the couch, “Sit down there, you are in queue.” Again it seemed like I just robbed someone and trying to negotiate my penalty.

I sat down on the couch. My eyes scanned the room. It was pin drop silence. Patients were waiting patiently.

Not a single person was talking neither smiling. No whispering sound. Nothing. Pure pin drop silence.

It’s like I have come to attend a cremation. I wanted to get in as soon as possible. I could feel Negative vibrations in that lifeless room.

Suddenly, I heard a toddler’s giggling sound from behind.

A small cute kid came with her mother. She sat and got settled herself. Kid was started clapping and laughing. Everyone couldn’t resist themselves and started smiling to kid.

Within a couple of minutes, the room got Life. It was like, when first raindrops fall in arid barren land.

Everyone (including receptionist) started talking and smiling. Room started breathing. And all credit goes to kid and his Smile of Fortune.

“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. “

– Phyllis Diller

This is I call spontaneous impact. And none other than Smile has such characteristics.

“Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

Mother Teresa

Keep Smiling… 🙂



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