5 Things to Remind Daily



Don’t Telecast your Past

One beautiful morning, I along with my two friends, went to our society garden for a walk. It was a beautiful morning with sun smiling above us, birds were singing the morning rhyme, and dank green grasses beneath welcomed us. We could feel the chilly breeze on our face. It was serene and tranquil dawn in which we felt like three butterflies enjoying the essence of flowers.

As we broke into conversation, one of my friend started blaming his luck, his life, his society, his family and his past. He started throwing negative vibrations and soon we could see his outburst.

boomIt was a burst of grunge in the garden of flowers like a jet of negativity in the ocean of positivity.

Believe me, we left that place within fifteen minutes. My day came to an end before even it had started.

Before you read further, let me ask you couple of questions.

“Do you carry your past together?”

“Do you (sometime) remember those horrifying moments which drain your energy out of your soul?”

If you nod affirmatively to the above asked questions then you are drifting a bit from your positive path and if not rectified soon, it will going to take your life downwards sooner or later.

We all are human beings and we take our previous memories together. It’s a human tendency. The question isn’t about remembering mistakes or criticisms which we did or received in our earlier lives, but the question is taking those hair-raising time along with our lives and more importantly allowing those memories to ruin our present and future. These are like slow poison which kill you gently.

It’s like entering in a dark tunnel where you see nothing. Complete darkness. Complete black out. No light, still we move further with hope and faith on our little baby steps. Time may be daunting but with brave heart we move towards the search of light, towards a ray of hope. We come across some difficulties, we stumble in between still we never stop. We keep moving in search of that hopeful torchlight.

Finally, when we come out of the dark tunnel, we embrace the light. We dismantle the mask of fearful and dress the shield of relaxing attitude and wear smile.

This tunnel journey do teach us many things. It makes us internally strong and teaches us about patience and courageousness.

What will you carry along with you: A negative memory (darkness and stumbles) or a positive one (learning experiences) from this tunnel journey?

You said right, obviously a positive ones and will make sure that we do not repeat the mistakes which we did.

What will happen if we constantly carry those weirdo negatives and indulge ourselves in scary and spine-chilling thoughts?

I have seen many people across my circle, who keep talking about their failures, past negative experiences, illnesses etc. and once you listen to these people, you start feeling a negative vibes in the positive atmosphere like fishy smell in the garden of roses.

Its like carrying burdens on your own shoulders.

Result: They get trapped in the negative web and overthrow their own life. And their family’s life.

We must learn from our past but we should never carry them on our shoulders all the time. Covert those time into learning lessons and change your day, your life.

“Forgetting bad time leads to good and beautiful life.”

Keep Smiling… 🙂

Tips to Selfcare

Positivity comes from Self caring.

If we do not care about our selves, we should not expect Positive attitude. Self caring comes from Self development. And we develop ourselves by Learning. Learning new skills. And to learn we have to be Passionate.

buddhaListed here are the few steps to Self Care:

  • Trust your Instincts.
  • Never ever give up your Dreams.
  • Never lose Hope.
  • Respect Time.
  • If it feels wrong, Stop doing it or Don’t do it.
  • Never use bad words for anyone.
  • Don’t Underestimate yourself.
  • Say ‘NO’ when you feel it.
  • Say ‘YES’ when you feel it.
  • Be Kind and Polite to everyone you meet.
  • Stay away from Negativity and Negative People.
  • Don’t be a people Pleaser as you can not please everyone.
  • Wear Smile on your lips.
  • Let go of what you can’t control.
  • Never renege on your Promises.
  • Love your Life.
  • Love people.
  • Expect Less.

If I have missed some, please feel free to add in the comments below.

Keep Smiling… 🙂

Expectation thrills, but ills

Today, I am 31 years old with very small career and professional life and three decades of personal life, I can proudly say that I have learned and still learning a lot. Most of the learning lessons came in the last five years of span. I feel lucky.

When we talk about lessons of life, we cannot exclude ‘Expectations’. Because the word Expect directly jabs at our heart, mind and soul.

Expectations play a major role in building ourselves if taken on a positive note. It makes us internally stronger.

michael jordanJust imagine, you are sitting with smiling face in an air-conditioned auditorium listening to an inspiring speech from one of the greatest inspirations on this planet. As time passes by, his euphonious speech webs around your heart, soothes you and make your soul inspired. You are enjoying every bit of seconds. You are expecting more inspiring and heartwarming words which is going to change your life forever.

Suddenly, from nowhere, another person takes the microphone and starts criticising heavily. Starts throwing tantrums and harsh words. Unexpectedly words musical to your ears converted into poignant.

Thorns took shape of roses. Negativity takes place of positivity in a trice. It’s like someone splashed the water on your face while you were indulged in beautiful dreams.

Expectations are like slow sweet poison which gives an instant reaction.

It’s like slowly you build a castle of trust and once it’s built suddenly your loved one ran over and thrashed it. Perplexedly your jaws dropped and leave you dumbfounded.

expectationsI do not say that we should never expect from our loved ones. Obviously we must, but just to be on safer side, it has to be in limit so even if your expectations thrashed, it shouldn’t hurt you.

The less you expect, lesser you get hurt. I know just reading it seems simple but let me tell you my dear friend, in real life it is not as simple as it seems.

It needs patience. A strong heart. A true synchronisation between Heart, Mind and importantly Eyes.

You must be guessing why eyes? Well, when you got hurt in your past, dint you cry or haven’t those moments reflected in your eyes?

Yes it hurts but if we think this from a positive angle then these saddened moments makes us strong and teach us.

It teaches us how to react in such overwrought situations. It teaches us how to handle our state of mind. It teaches us how not to get carried away from these emotional outbursts.

Yes these moments teach us a lot the way it taught me. And today proudly I can say, ‘I am much stronger.’

Never expect or expect least from your friends, loved ones and colleagues. Do for them, help them and be a helping hand in their lives but don’t expect anything in return. Do for them and forget.


low expectationYou will be the happiest person on this earth.

Keep Smiling and Expect Less. 🙂